Indestructible Paint Highlights Key Issues To Distinguished Visitors

Specialist industrial coatings manufacturer, Indestructible Paint Ltd. has been delighted to welcome two distinguished guests to its Birmingham manufacturing facility. Managing Director Brian Norton hosted a visit by Baroness Lucy Neville-Rolfe and Anthea McIntyre MEP. They were keen to see for themselves Indestructible Paint’s approach to providing a highly specialist service to many of the world’s leading industries. Moreover, the company’s commitment to research and development, which has underpinned its success for many years, was of particular note.
Commitment Research And Development
“Both ladies expressed interest in a range of issues and acknowledged concerns about challenges faced by small to medium sized enterprises such as ourselves,” comments Brian Norton. “In particular, the REACH regulations came under the spotlight – especially their associated bureaucracy – and, in this connection, we were delighted to present aspects of our R&D work, especially in aerospace, which focuses on coating developments that specifically address the obligations associated with REACH.”
Training, and the acknowledged skills gap, also featured in the discussions that ranged from local access issues to EU legislation.
“We are proud to have been approached to host a visit by such important guests. We believe it reflects favourably on our position as a leading specialist manufacturer within West Midlands’ industry,” adds Brian Norton. “It was a pleasure to meet both ladies – and their colleagues. I hope we were able to provide a useful insight into what are widely seen throughout our industry as important issues.”
Furthermore, following the visit, Anthea McIntyre MEP commented:
“It was a great pleasure to visit Indestructible Paint. It is a shining example of the exciting, go ahead, specialist businesses we have in the West Midlands. We were hugely impressed by their commitment to research and development. We were able to get a better understanding of the challenges they face with the complexities of EU legislation.
“Small businesses like Indestructible Paint are essential to the growth and prosperity of our region. And I will do all I can to support them,” she concluded.
Specialist Industrial Coatings Manufacturer
For more information on our industrial coating services and to get in touch with us, call us on +44(0)121 702 2485. In addition, you can browse our website for details on our products. If you found this blog interesting, you may wish to read a previous one: Why Use Indestructible Paint?